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Diet And Exercise For Busy People
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Diet And Exercise For Busy People

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The number one excuse for avoiding exercise? “I just don’t have time.” Is this the excuse you use? And have you noticed that the busier you are and the less time you have to eat, the more weight you gain? Why is that?


When you are too busy to eat, you eat what is convenient. Unfortunately, that includes vending machines, delivery and drive up windows. Convenient food usually means fast food and junk food and their empty calories. Too many calories combined with “too little time” to exercise leads to an expanding waistline. There are steps that you can take to include a healthy diet and moderate exercise in your busy world, here are seven:


  1.  Healthy Snacks - Don't leave your house without healthy snacks. When you get hungry during your busy day you snack on candy bars or chips from vending machines, convenience stores and gas stations. A little planning and some fruit, almonds or protein bars can help avoid grabbing the first thing you see.
  2. Make Time - Don’t attempt to “find time” to eat right and exercise, you’ll never find it. You have to “make time.” Make appointments and write them down, one exercise becomes part of your calendar, you are more likely to follow through. Don’t make excuses.
  3. Don’t Multitask - While multitasking is a valuable skill in your business and personal life, don’t do it while eating or exercising. Focus. Eat mindfully (without phones, screens or electronics) and when exercising, focus on intensity and use your time wisely, getting the “most bang for your buck” when selecting workouts.
  4. Keep It Simple - Don’t make exercise more complicated than it is. Make it part of your daily routine. Always have your gym bag in the car, eliminate a trip home and head to the gym on your way home. Have two gym bags and alternate them, clean one in the car, dirty one with the laundry. Keep a pair of running or walking shoes under your desk, making a quick walk during lunch less of a challenge.
  5. Move More - Be active at work. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park on the top level of the garage and walk down. Use the restroom furthest from your desk or office. At home, walk to the grocery store, clean the house vigorously and do your own yard work to burn more calories.
  6. Customize Your Meals - If you must dine out, don't be afraid to ask your server at the restaurant to customize your meal. Skip the bread and potatoes, ask for steamed vegetables instead. Choose broiled instead of fried foods. With so many people on diets restaurants know they have to be flexible in order to keep customers coming back.
  7. Drink More Water - Avoid juice, sodas, sports drinks and frappuccinos. Bottled juices, sports drinks and colas are liquid calories in the form of high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, flavors and preservatives. Drinking water will keep you hydrated, healthy and will reduce your calorie intake!


Photo by Ethan Hoover